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Assistenza FTIR e dei generatori Parker Balston

I partners di Madatec Srl

How to reach Madatec Srl





Welcome in Madatec Srl

Here you can find  competitive prices  and passion for our job


Our Products


Analytical Technology :

Atomic Absorption

Tubi in Grafite per Assorbimento Atomico e contatti

Hollow Cathode Lamps


Tubi in Grafite per Assorbimento Atomico e contatti

Graphites and Contacts


Cuvette per Auto Campionatori per A.A. Vials for Auto Samplers


Standard a Singolo e Multi elementoMetal Standard soutions


 FTIR Spectroscopy

Tutti i sistemi di misura in tecnica FTIR

Sampling accessories


Misure FTIR sul campo e Video FTIRPortable FTIR and  Video ATR


Microscopi a Tecnica FTIRFTIR Microscopy


Microscopi a Tecnica FTIRSpectral Libraries Sadtler


Replacement parts for all the FT-IRSpare parts


D.S.C. and T.G.A.

Crogiuoli per DSC e TGAPans and Lids


UV/VIS/NIR Spectroscopy

Cuvette e celle in Quarzo e non per UV/VIS/NIRCuvettes for UV-Vis and NIR


Materiali Certificati (C.R.M.) per validazione UV-Fluorescenza Cert.Ref.Mat.for UV and Fl.


Tutte le lampade al Deuterio per UV per ogni marcaDeuterium Lamps


Lampade al Mecurio e Xeno per Fluorescenza e UV/VISMercury and Xenon Lamps


Lampade al Tungsteno per spettrofotometria visibile Tungsten Lamps


Lampade P.I.D. per il Vs. VOCLampade P.I.D.


I.C.P. and I.C.P.-M.S.

Skimmer and  Sampler Cones


Torch and Nebulizers

 Spray chambers per ogni ICP

RF Coils and Multipliers


Metalli in soluzione CertificatiMetal Standard Solutions


Tubi peristaltici per tutte le pompe

Tubi per pompe peristaltiche


GC and HPLC Chromatography

Data Stations per Cromatografia Software di Acquisizione


Lampade al Deuterio per ogni detector HPLCDeuterium Lamps


 HPLC detectors Halogen Lamps

Halogen Lamps


Validazioni IQ-OQ-PQ-PV GLP per cromatografia

Kit di Validazione GLP e ISO


Assistenza Tecnica Parker Balston

Gas Gererators, H2 N2 Air 0

New product!

High Power UV source (LED powered!)

UV LED lamp, source for Forensic, NDT and more

Portable, battery operated, > 800mW UV flux


 NEWS from MADAtec !

We're Ready to include in our

products' range the

IR technology evolution .....

IR Spectrum + RAMAN Spectrum

Spectroscopy, the Science's light

... the RAMAN Spectroscopy.

Soon, more informations.

Stay tuned.

A new source of Instruments

and Services for your lab.


Le tecniche FT-IR, Spettroscopia UV/VIS,

ICP-MS, DSC, Generatori di gas ultra-puri,

e altre tecniche Analitiche, qui sono di casa!


UV lamps and cartridges

for many Pure Waters

treatment systems


Service for Parker Balston Whatman generators

Parker's authorized

 Service Center

Parker Balston

 Gas generators

La Sitemap di

Sitemap Madatec




Only here :

For Perkin Elmer DAD series 200 N2922011

Tungsten lamps for HPLC

DAD Detectors

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